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Are you faced with questions and looking for bright answers? Great, because that's exactly what we're here for! Let's turn every challenge into an opportunity together

  • Was soll ich zu meinem ersten Termin mitbringen?
    To your first appointment, please bring your doctor's prescription (if you have one), your insurance card, and comfortable clothing that allows you enough freedom of movement and allows the therapist to easily reach the area to be treated.
  • Will my health insurance cover the costs of the treatment?
    Physiotherapy services are often covered by health insurance companies if they are prescribed by a doctor. It is a good idea to check with your health insurance company beforehand whether and to what extent the costs of your treatment will be covered and what the exact conditions are. It is important to know that DMI (Dynamic Movement Intervention) is not covered by health insurance and is a self-payer service. The same applies to Kinekt services. These special training/therapy forms must therefore be paid for privately, regardless of whether you have a doctor's prescription or not. Please contact us for information about the costs of these services.
  • How long does a typical treatment session last?
    Typically a treatment session lasts between 25 and 55 minutes, but this can vary depending on the type of treatment and your individual therapy plan.
  • What is done in physiotherapy?
    Physiotherapy is all about improving your well-being. We work together to relieve pain, improve your mobility and strengthen weakened muscles. We use a variety of techniques, including targeted exercises, manual therapy and special equipment that is tailored precisely to your needs. Another important aspect is prevention. We will show you how you can actively contribute to your health and reduce the risk of future problems with certain exercises and adjustments in your everyday life. In short, in physiotherapy we tackle the root of the problem together and work towards making you feel completely comfortable and able to perform in your body again.
  • What do you do in physiotherapy?
    In physiotherapy, we take the time to create a tailor-made therapy plan for you based on medical diagnoses and our own observations. We use a diverse mix of different approaches: from targeted exercises, which we carry out either in individual sessions or in small groups, to special forms of therapy such as breathing therapy, soothing massages, electrotherapy and relaxing heat or water applications. The great thing is that every therapy is tailored to your individual needs and goals. We use the latest equipment and techniques and ensure that you not only feel in good hands with us, but are also actively involved in your recovery. We are not just concerned with treating symptoms, but also with giving you tools that will help you stay healthy and mobile in the long term. So let's get started together and give your wellbeing a real boost!
  • When does physiotherapy make sense?
    Physiotherapy is a kind of all-purpose tool for our health, isn't it? Almost all of us reach a point at some point where a little physiotherapy support is just what we need. Whether it's a damaged knee, a broken leg or those stubborn tensions and pains in the neck area - physiotherapy can be a real blessing in all of these cases. It is always the doctor who decides, based on a precise diagnosis, whether and how physiotherapy can help you. The aim is to make the affected area more mobile, to strengthen it and to reduce pain. And the best thing about it? Physiotherapy doesn't just tackle the problems on the surface, but gets to the root of the causes in order to create long-term improvement. So, the next time you're not sure whether physiotherapy is right for you, remember: it offers a wealth of options to do your body good.
  • What happens during the first physiotherapy session?
    The focus of your very first physiotherapy session is getting to know each other. Don't worry, it's very relaxed! Your physiotherapist will take the time to understand you and your story. This is called an anamnesis. It's more than just a few questions; it's an opportunity for you to tell us everything that's on your mind - your medical history, what's currently bothering you, where exactly the problem lies and how severe your symptoms are. But it's not just about the hard facts. Your therapist also wants to understand what your everyday life looks like, which movements you might find difficult and what you hope to achieve from therapy. All of this information helps to create a completely individual treatment plan for you. Remember, this first session is also a great opportunity for you to ask questions. Maybe you want to know more about the planned therapy methods, or you have specific concerns about your recovery. All in all, this first meeting is the starting signal for your journey together towards greater well-being and mobility. And who knows, maybe it is the beginning of a wonderful recovery! Check out this great article where you can learn more about it:
  • Why is physiotherapy so important?
    Physiotherapy is a kind of superhero among therapy forms, you know? It has the great goal of not only helping you to relieve your pain, but also to improve your mobility and increase your independence in everyday life. Imagine what it would be like if you could do all the little things in life without restrictions or pain - that's exactly what physiotherapy helps you do. It used to be called physical therapy, but the name physiotherapy is actually much more appropriate because it really is a holistic approach. Whether it's chronic illnesses, acute injuries, or even just those little ailments that sometimes pop up out of nowhere, physiotherapy can make a real difference in so many situations. The forms of therapy are as diverse as we humans ourselves. From special exercises that are tailored precisely to your needs, to massages that relieve tension, to the latest technologies that support healing - physiotherapy offers a whole world of possibilities. And the best part? Physiotherapy looks at you as a whole. It's not just about treating a specific symptom, but about helping your body heal itself and giving you techniques to help you stay healthy and mobile in the future. In short, physiotherapy gives you the tools to actively work on your health and well-being - and that's just priceless, isn't it?
  • What exactly is DMI (Dynamic Movement Intervention)?
    DMI is an innovative evidence-based therapy that aims to improve motor skills and movement coordination through targeted, dynamic exercises. Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is a therapeutic method used in physical and occupational therapy to treat children with motor delays. It aims to improve automatic postural responses and promote progress toward developmental milestones.
  • Why DMI?
    DMI therapy has been shown to be effective in improving gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other neurological disorders. This is done by developing the automatic motor system.
  • Is DMI therapy really effective?
    The short answer is yes, DMI therapy has been shown to be an effective method for improving gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other neurological disorders.
  • What makes DMI therapy so special?
    At its core, DMI is about developing the automatic motor system. This means that the exercises are aimed at helping your child perform movements and postures automatically and more efficiently. Imagine how learning to walk or reach without thinking can improve your child's independence and freedom of movement.
  • How does DMI affect children with special needs?
    Children with cerebral palsy, for example, may have difficulty controlling movement. DMI therapy helps strengthen connections in the brain and lead to new movement patterns. The result? Your child may be able to sit, stand or even walk more independently. And what about children with Down syndrome? Here too, DMI can make a big difference. The targeted exercises promote motor development and coordination, which in turn helps to manage everyday tasks more easily. It's important to emphasize that any progress is a major achievement. Whether it's reaching a new movement milestone or simply gaining more confidence in one's abilities, DMI therapy provides a supportive environment for your child to grow and thrive.
  • What should I bring to a pediatric physiotherapy appointment?
    Please bring the doctor's prescription with you to your child's physiotherapy appointment. It is also helpful to have your child's health insurance card, any doctor's reports and recent x-rays, if available. These documents give the therapist a comprehensive overview of your child's health and are important for planning effective treatment. This ensures that your child receives the best possible support right from the start.
  • What should I do if I need to cancel a physical therapy appointment for my child?
    If you have to cancel a physiotherapy appointment for your child, it would be great if you could let us know at least 24 hours in advance, ideally by phone, email or text message. This gives us the opportunity to give the appointment to someone else and avoids unnecessary costs for you. If your child has symptoms such as a fever of over 38.5° or a severe cough, we ask for your understanding that staying at home is necessary. However, if the symptoms are milder, such as a runny nose or a slight cough, and the child is in good general health, participation is possible. We thank you very much for your help and understanding!
  • How many physical therapy sessions does my child need?
    The number of physiotherapy sessions required for your child depends entirely on the specific situation and individual needs. We attach great importance to creating a tailor-made plan that is tailored precisely to the problem and needs of your child. This means that the frequency of therapy can vary. During the initial consultation and the first few sessions, we will make an assessment and decide together with you how many sessions might be useful.
  • How should we as a family plan the therapy visit for our child?
    For us, the family is a central part of the therapy process. We appreciate it if only one parent comes to the therapy session. We can discuss together whether you accompany your child to therapy or whether he or she comes to us alone. Our goal is to integrate the family into the therapy plan wherever possible, because the support and understanding of the family is extremely important for the success of the therapy.
  • How does physiotherapy contribute to the development of children and what role does it play in their everyday lives?
    Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in children's development by not only promoting motor skills, but also supporting social learning. Through targeted exercises and activities in small groups, it improves children's perception, concentration and attention. They learn to follow rules and test their own abilities. The successes achieved in this way boost their self-confidence enormously and help them to move more safely and confidently in everyday life.
  • What exactly are Theratogs?
    Think of Theratogs as an extra layer specifically designed to gently hug and support the body. They are made from a unique, flexible material that conforms to the body and helps optimize posture and mobility. How does TheraTogs work? TheraTogs' unique construction, consisting of an aqueous elastomer urethane foam lining , provides a gentle but effective grip function that works directly on the skin. This special coating allows TheraTogs to conform securely and comfortably to the body without causing skin irritation. By using Velcro®-receptive outer fabric and elastic bands, TheraTogs enables targeted repositioning of the patient's posture, trunk, torso and extremities. This adaptability is crucial to achieving long-term improvements in posture and mobility. Take a look at our blog or browse through our Theratogs shop . There you will find a lot of helpful information, testimonials and tips on how Theratogs can make your everyday life easier. It's worth taking a look!
  • Who are Theratogs particularly suitable for?
    Theratogs are a really great support for anyone who struggles with motor challenges in everyday life. Theratogs can work wonders, especially for children who are still in the development phase or for adults who are on the road to recovery after an injury. Not only do they specifically support mobility, but they can also help to boost self-confidence by helping to make everyday movements easier and safer.
  • How is my Kinekt program created?
    Your program will be tailored to you individually – based on your personal goals, fitness level and medical history. It's like your personal fitness plan, only smarter!
  • Can the training be adapted to my medical needs?
    Absolutely, that's the beauty of Kinekt! It takes your entire history into account to ensure that the workout is not only effective but also safe for you.
  • Is the program suitable for every fitness level?
    Yes, whether you are a beginner or already a sports professional, Kinekt adapts to you and challenges you at the right level.
  • How is my progress monitored and adjusted?
    We're always keeping an eye on things, making small adjustments as we go, and then we take a deeper dive with a comprehensive assessment at the end of each month.
  • How does Kinekt promote my long-term health and mobility?
    By not only focusing on short-term goals, but also on improving your general health and mobility in the long term. So you are doing something good for yourself that goes far beyond your current fitness.
  • How are 3D scans used in Kinekt?
    Exactly, Kinekt uses 3D scans to take your training to a whole new level. Imagine that with just two scans within three months we get a super accurate picture of how you move. This not only helps us to tailor your training to you, but we can also work specifically on your movement sequences. The great thing about it? You not only see improvements in your fitness, but you also optimize how your body functions as a whole - efficiently and effectively!
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