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Medical condition/treatment

Exercise Respiratory

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Respiratory muscles

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Breathing exercises are an important part of physical therapy to increase breathing capacity and make breathing easier. They can be used for various respiratory diseases such as asthma or COPD. The targeted breathing technique helps to reduce shortness of breath and increase quality of life.


Breath control, relaxation, stress relief, lung function

Breathing exercises

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Physiotherapie, Atemübungen, Atemtechniken, Atemkapazität, Atemwegserkrankungen

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Breathing exercises are special exercises designed to train the breathing muscles and optimize breathing technique. They are particularly helpful for people with breathing difficulties, asthma or after respiratory surgery. Breathing exercises help normalize breathing, increase breathing efficiency and improve breathing control.

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Regular breathing exercises can help you increase your lung capacity, reduce stress, and strengthen your breathing muscles. This is especially important if you have breathing problems or lung disease. There are scientific studies that show the positive effects of breathing exercises on respiratory function.

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History: Balance exercises were first used by athletes and dancers to improve their stability. They are also used in physical therapy to promote balance and coordination. Fact: Standing on one leg is a simple balance exercise that anyone can try.

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