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Medical condition/treatment

Gymnastica Respiratory

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Respiratory muscles

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Respiratory exercises are an important component of physical therapy to improve breathing technique and make breathing easier. It can be used for various respiratory diseases such as asthma or COPD. The targeted breathing technique helps to reduce shortness of breath and increase quality of life.


Breathing control, lung capacity, relaxation, respiratory diseases

Respiratory gymnastics

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Physiotherapie, Atemgymnastik, Atemtechniken, Atemkapazität, Atemwegserkrankungen

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Respiratory gymnastics includes various breathing exercises to increase lung capacity, strengthen respiratory muscles and improve breathing technique. It is particularly useful for people with breathing problems such as asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis or after respiratory surgery. Respiratory gymnastics helps to improve respiratory function, reduce the load on the respiratory muscles and increase the quality of life.

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Breathing exercises are a great way to increase your lung capacity and improve control over your breathing. If you suffer from breathing problems or want to increase your endurance, regular breathing exercises are very beneficial. There is evidence-based research supporting the effectiveness of breathing exercises in improving respiratory function.

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History: Breathing exercises and respiratory gymnastics have a long tradition in different cultures, from yogic breathing to breathing work in physiotherapeutic rehabilitation. They help strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve breathing capacity. Fact: Deep breathing can not only improve lung function, but also reduce stress.

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