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Medical condition/treatment

Diplegia Spastica Infantum

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Diplegic cerebral palsy primarily affects the legs and can result in difficulty walking or differential development of leg muscles. Diplegic cerebral palsy is a result of brain damage before or during birth. This can affect control and coordination of the leg muscles. Risk factors include prenatal infections, lack of oxygen during birth and genetic predisposition.


Prenatal factors (e.g. intrauterine growth restriction, premature birth), birth complications (e.g. lack of oxygen), genetics, postnatal damage (e.g. infections, injuries), lifestyle (e.g. lack of exercise, unhealthy diet)

Diplegic cerebral palsy

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie, Gehhilfen, Orthopädische Hilfsmittel, Muskeldehnung, Kinderphysiotherapie, Frühförderung, Chirurgische Eingriffe, Rehabilitation, Gemeinschaftsunterstützung

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Diplegic cerebral palsy is the result of brain damage that occurs during the prenatal period or birth. This damage primarily affects the areas of the brain responsible for controlling the legs. This can cause movement disorders and muscle stiffness, which impair mobility.

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Provide recommendations for physical therapy and exercise therapy, provide assistance with the use of walking frames or orthopedic devices, and provide recommendations for supportive therapies. Help comes from pediatricians, neurologists and physiotherapists.

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Cerebral palsy was first described in the 19th century, when doctors began examining children with motor developmental disorders. The diplegic form of cerebral palsy, which primarily affects the legs, was later identified as a specific subtype. The causes and risk factors were discovered through clinical observations and neurological studies.

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