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Medical condition/treatment


disc prolapse

One half of the body

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Hemiplegia is a one-sided paralysis that often results from a stroke or injury to the brain or spinal cord. It can affect movement and sensation on one side of the body. Hemiplegia is caused by damage to the motor areas of the brain, or the nerve pathways that control movement. It can cause partial or complete paralysis. Rehabilitation focuses on restoring motor function and improving quality of life.


Strokes, trauma (e.g. traumatic brain injury), tumors or other brain lesions, inflammation (e.g. encephalitis), infections (e.g. meningitis), vascular abnormalities, genetics, lifestyle factors (e.g. smoking , lack of exercise), age


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Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie, Neurologische Rehabilitation, Gangtraining, Spiegeltherapie, Robotikunterstützte Therapie, Muskelstimulation, Hilfsmittel, Psychologische Unterstützung, Angehörigenberatung

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Hemiplegia occurs when a region of the brain that controls movement on one side of the body is damaged. This can be caused by a stroke, trauma, or other neurological diseases. The damage leads to paralysis of one side of the body, causing restricted movement and other associated symptoms such as muscle weakness.

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Make recommendations for rehabilitation programs and physical therapy, provide mobility aids, and provide emotional support. Help comes from neurologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

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The term "hemiplegia" was coined in the 19th century when doctors began to describe the paralysis of one side of the body in more detail. The discovery of the causes of hemiplegia, including strokes and traumatic brain injuries, occurred during the course of medical research.

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