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Medical condition/treatment

Rehabilitation Cardiovascularis

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Heart and circulation

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Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a program aimed at the recovery of patients with heart disease. Physical therapy involves targeted exercises to improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce the risk of heart disease, and promote cardiovascular health.


Heart health, endurance training, rehabilitation, cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular rehabilitation

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Physiotherapie, Herz-Kreislauf-Rehabilitation, Herzgesundheit, Konditionstraining, Kardiologische Rehabilitation

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Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a comprehensive program designed to support patients with heart problems. It includes cardiological exercises, nutritional advice and psychosocial support. The aim is to improve physical fitness, the cardiovascular system and the quality of life. This rehabilitation helps people lead an active life after heart attacks, heart surgery or heart failure.

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Cardiovascular rehabilitation is important for people with heart disease or after heart surgery. A physical therapist will provide specific exercises and monitoring to promote your heart health. There are evidence-based studies supporting the effectiveness of cardiovascular rehabilitation in physical therapy.

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History: Hip dysplasia is a congenital malformation of the hip joint that is often diagnosed in childhood. Treatment can range from special exercises to surgical procedures. Fact: The hip is one of the most stable joints in the human body, but dysplasia can cause significant problems.

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