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Medical condition/treatment


disc prolapse

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Hypotonia refers to reduced muscle tension and strength, which can result in less powerful or precise movements. People with hypotonia may have difficulty controlling their muscles or maintaining an upright posture. Hypotension can have a variety of causes, including neurological diseases, genetic disorders, or hormonal imbalances. Treatment aims to improve muscle strength and motor function.


Neurological diseases (e.g. Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis), genetic abnormalities (e.g. muscular dystrophy), hormonal disorders (e.g. hypothyroidism), medications (e.g. muscle relaxants), lifestyle factors (e.g. lack of exercise ), Age


disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Krafttraining, Ausdauertraining, Balanceübungen, Massage, Hydrotherapie, Orthopädische Hilfsmittel, Ernährungsberatung, Elektrotherapie

disc prolapse

Hypotension occurs due to underactivity of skeletal muscles, leading to reduced muscle tone. This can be caused by neurological diseases, genetic abnormalities, or certain medications. The reduced muscle tension makes it difficult for those affected to carry out movements and maintain an upright posture.

disc prolapse

Provide recommendations for exercises to strengthen muscles and improve muscle tone, suggest lifestyle changes, and recommend medical treatments. Help comes from neurologists, physiotherapists and nutritionists.

disc prolapse

The description of hypotension as a clinical condition dates back to the 20th century, when physicians began studying muscle tension in patients with neuromuscular disorders. The discovery of the underlying mechanisms leading to hypotension came through neurophysiological studies and imaging techniques.

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