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Medical condition/treatment

Correctio Posturae Corporis

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Posture correction focuses on improving posture to prevent back and neck pain. Physical therapists provide exercises and guidance to correct posture problems to support spinal health.


Posture correction, back pain, body awareness, physiotherapy

Posture correction

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Körperhaltungskorrektur, Haltungskorrektur, Bewegungskontrolle, Rückenprobleme

disc prolapse

Posture correction refers to efforts to achieve and maintain a healthy and balanced posture. Incorrect posture can lead to back and neck pain and other problems. Physiotherapy focuses on exercises and corrections to optimize posture, correct muscular imbalances and relieve pain. Correct posture is important for long-term well-being.

disc prolapse

Posture correction focuses on identifying and correcting poor posture to reduce pain and discomfort. A physical therapist will offer personalized recommendations and exercises to improve your posture. There are evidence-based approaches to posture correction that support the effectiveness of this form of therapy.

disc prolapse

History: Strengthening the core muscles has become more important in recent decades as the importance of a strong core for health has been recognized. Fact: A strong core can not only support the spine, but also increase performance in sports and everyday life.

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