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Medical condition/treatment

Knee joint replacement or knee prosthesis

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A knee replacement is a surgical procedure in which the damaged knee joint is replaced with an artificial joint. This is often done for advanced knee osteoarthritis or injuries. The prosthesis allows pain-free movement and improves the patient's quality of life. Rehabilitation after surgery is important to restore mobility and strength.


Knee osteoarthritis, injuries, wear and tear, age

Knee replacement

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Chirurgie, Knieprobleme, Gelenkverschleiß, Alter, Rehabilitation, Bewegung

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A knee replacement is usually performed due to advanced osteoarthritis or severe injuries to the knee joint.

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After a knee replacement, rehabilitation is crucial. Physical therapy can provide exercises to strengthen the hamstring muscles and improve mobility. Pain-relieving medications can be taken in consultation with a doctor. Compliance with the surgeon's instructions and regular medical examinations are important to monitor recovery.

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The first successful knee replacement surgery was performed in the 1960s. Fact: Modern knee prostheses are durable and improve mobility.

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