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Medical condition/treatment


disc prolapse

Cold application

disc prolapse

Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, uses cold to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. In physical therapy, local cold therapy applications are used to relieve pain and support rehabilitation. Targeted application of cold can reduce swelling and speed recovery.


Cold therapy, cold application, pain relief, anti-inflammatory


disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Kryotherapie, Kältetherapie, Schmerzlinderung, Entzündungshemmung

disc prolapse

Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, refers to the use of cold to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It is often used for sports injuries, joint pain and muscle problems. The cold helps reduce swelling and slows blood circulation. Cryotherapy can be used as part of physical therapy treatment to speed recovery.

disc prolapse

Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, uses cold to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It can be used for various muscle and joint problems. Although it is not suitable for everyone, some people have reported the benefits of cryotherapy. However, there is limited evidence-based research on this form of therapy.

disc prolapse

History: Performance enhancement has always played a role in the world of sports, from ancient Olympics to modern athletics. It can be achieved through targeted training and rehabilitation. Fact: Athletes are constantly looking for new ways to improve their performance, whether through technology or specialized exercises.

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