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Medical condition/treatment

Scheuermann's disease or juvenile osteochondrosis

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Scheuermann's disease is a growth disorder of the spine that leads to a curvature of the spine. This can cause pain and posture difficulties. The exact cause is not known, but there may be genetic factors. Treatment includes physical therapy and, in some cases, corset therapy or surgery to correct the curvature.


Spinal growth disorders, genetic predisposition

Scheuermann's disease

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Rückenschmerzen, Wirbelsäulendeformität, Genetik, Haltung, Rückenschonende Übungen

disc prolapse

Scheuermann's disease is a growth disorder of the spine in which the vertebral bodies are abnormally shaped. The exact cause is not fully understood, but genetic factors may play a role.

disc prolapse

Treatment for Scheuermann's disease may include physical therapy to improve posture and strengthen back muscles. In some cases, corset therapy may be necessary. Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and avoiding prolonged sitting positions are important. An orthopedist or physiotherapist can give individual recommendations.

disc prolapse

Scheuermann's disease was better understood in the 20th century and affects the spine. Fact: It can lead to kyphosis.

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