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Medical condition/treatment

Mobilization Nervorum

disc prolapse

Nervous system

disc prolapse

Neural mobilization is a physical therapy technique that combines nerve mobilization and stretching exercises. It aims to free pinched or irritated nerves and improve nerve function. This technique is often used for neurological diseases or nerve injuries and can relieve pain and restricted mobility. She uses physiotherapy in a targeted manner.


Nerve mobilization, nerve regeneration, neurology, rehabilitation

Neural mobilization

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Neuralmobilisation, Nervenbehandlung, Neurologische Probleme, Schmerzlinderung

disc prolapse

Neural mobilization is a form of therapy in which targeted movements are carried out to improve the mobility of the nerves. It is used for nerve compression syndromes, herniated discs or neuropathies. Mobilization can reduce pain and improve nerve function. It requires specialist knowledge and experience to be carried out safely and effectively.

disc prolapse

Neural mobilization is a technique that mobilizes nerve structures to relieve pain and improve function. A physical therapist will offer specific exercises and techniques to influence the neural structures. There are evidence-based studies supporting the effectiveness of neural mobilization in physical therapy.

disc prolapse

History: Neural therapy aims to influence the nervous system to treat pain and dysfunction. It was first developed in the 20th century. Fact: Neural therapy can also help with chronic pain and migraines.

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