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Medical condition/treatment

Pseudoradicular syndrome or radicular pain syndrome

disc prolapse

Nervous system and muscles

disc prolapse

Pseudoradicular syndrome refers to pain and symptoms that are similar to the pain of nerve root compression but are not due to such compression. This can be caused by muscle tension or other causes. Treatment aims to identify and treat the underlying cause.


Nerve irritation, slipped disc, injuries

Pseudoradicular syndrome

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Schmerzen, Nervenreizung, Muskelverspannung, Haltung, Dehnübungen

disc prolapse

Pseudoradicular syndrome occurs due to irritation near nerve roots in the absence of direct nerve compression. Causes can be muscle tension or inflammation.

disc prolapse

Treatment for pseudoradicular syndrome depends on the underlying cause. Physical therapy can provide exercises to strengthen affected muscles and improve mobility. Pain-relieving medications can be taken in consultation with a doctor. A neurologist or orthopedist can determine the best course of action.

disc prolapse

Pseudoradicular syndrome was described in the 20th century and manifests itself similarly to a herniated disc. Fact: It affects nerves in the spinal cord.

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