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Medical condition/treatment

Back pain or dorsalgia

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Back pain is pain that can occur in the back area and can have various causes, including muscle tension, herniated discs, or posture problems. Treatment includes physical therapy, pain medications, exercises to strengthen back muscles, and ergonomic adjustments to avoid repetitive strain. A holistic approach is important to managing back pain.


Poor posture, lack of exercise, tension

Back pain

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Rückenschmerzen, Haltung, Muskelverspannung, Stress, Ergonomie, Rückenübungen

disc prolapse

Back pain can have a variety of causes, including poor posture, injury, wear and tear, or muscle tension. The exact cause may vary.

disc prolapse

Treatment for back pain depends on the cause. For acute pain, rest is important, while for chronic pain, physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the back muscles and improve posture are recommended. Pain-relieving medications can be taken in consultation with a doctor. An orthopedist or physiotherapist can give individual recommendations.

disc prolapse

Back pain is an old medical problem that has affected people for centuries. There are records from various eras that indicate the existence of back pain. Approaches to pain relief and back care were already pursued in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. During the 19th and 20th centuries, medical research in orthopedics and rheumatology increased, leading to a better understanding of the anatomy and pathology of the back. This allowed the development of more effective treatment approaches, including physical therapy, medication and surgery, to relieve back pain. Today, back pain research remains an important area of medicine to help people with back problems and promote prevention.

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