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Medical condition/treatment

Technica Reductionis Doloris

disc prolapse

Pain relief

disc prolapse

Pain reduction techniques are physical therapy approaches to relieve pain and improve overall well-being. These include techniques such as massage, manual therapy, heat or cold therapy and relaxation exercises. The choice of techniques depends on the type and cause of the pain. Physiotherapy develops individual pain management plans.


Pain relief, pain therapy, relaxation techniques, stress reduction

Pain reduction techniques

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Schmerzreduktionstechniken, Schmerzlinderung, Schmerzbewältigung, Entspannungstechniken

disc prolapse

Pain reduction techniques are different methods of relieving pain. These techniques include relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, manual therapy and acupuncture. They can be used for acute or chronic pain and aim to reduce pain intensity and increase well-being. Individual adaptation of the techniques is crucial to achieve optimal results.

disc prolapse

Pain reduction techniques are used in physical therapy to relieve pain and promote recovery. A physical therapist will offer specific techniques to control pain and improve quality of life. There is evidence-based research supporting the effectiveness of pain reduction techniques in physical therapy.

disc prolapse

History: Shoulder pain can be caused by various causes and has been researched for a long time. Treatment can range from physical therapy to surgery. Fact: The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the body and is therefore susceptible to injury.

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