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Medical condition/treatment

Shoulder instability or shoulder joint instability

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Shoulder instability occurs when the shoulder joint is not stable and can dislocate easily. This can lead to pain and restricted movement. Treatment may include physical therapy, targeted exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles, and in some cases, surgery to stabilize the joint.


Injuries, overuse, anatomical factors

Shoulder instability

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Schulterschmerzen, Bewegungseinschränkung, Verletzung, Überbeanspruchung, Kräftigungsübungen

disc prolapse

Shoulder instability can occur due to injuries or anatomical factors in which the shoulder joint is not properly stabilized.

disc prolapse

Treatment for shoulder instability may be conservative and include physical therapy exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the ligaments. An orthopedist or physical therapist can determine the best course of action.

disc prolapse

Shoulder instability, in which the shoulder joint is unstable, became better understood in the 20th century. Advances in orthopedics and sports medicine have helped deepen our understanding of the causes and treatment options for shoulder instability. It is known that it is often triggered by injury or anatomical factors. The development of arthroscopic procedures in recent decades has significantly improved surgical treatment options. Physiotherapy also plays an important role in the rehabilitation of shoulder instability.

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