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Medical condition/treatment

Frozen shoulder or frozen shoulder

disc prolapse


disc prolapse

Frozen shoulder, also known as frozen shoulder, is a condition in which the shoulder becomes painful and stiff, limiting mobility. The exact cause is not known, but inflammation plays a role. Treatment includes physical therapy, stretching exercises, and in some cases anti-inflammatory medications.


Inflammation, injuries, immobilization

Frozen shoulder

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Schmerzen, Verspannungen, Triggerpunkte, Stress, Entspannung, Massage

disc prolapse

Frozen shoulder, also known as frozen shoulder, can occur due to inflammation and scarring in the shoulder joint. The exact cause is not always clear, but injury or illness may play a role.

disc prolapse

Treatment for frozen shoulder may include physical therapy exercises to improve shoulder mobility and stretch the muscles. In severe cases, manipulation under anesthesia may be necessary to loosen the shoulder. An orthopedist or physiotherapist can give individual recommendations.

disc prolapse

Frozen shoulder, also known as frozen shoulder, was first described in the 19th century. It is a disease that leads to significant restrictions in shoulder movement. At this time, the exact cause and pathology of frozen shoulder was not yet fully understood. Over time, the understanding of this disease has deepened. Modern approaches to treating frozen shoulder include physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications and, in some cases, injections.

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