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Medical condition/treatment

Physiotherapy Athletica

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Sports injuries

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Sports physiotherapy focuses on the rehabilitation of sports injuries and improving athletic performance. It offers targeted exercises and techniques to prepare athletes for return to training and prevent injuries.


Sports injuries, sports rehabilitation, performance improvement, sports training

Sports physiotherapy

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Physiotherapie, Sportphysiotherapie, Sportverletzungen, Sportrehabilitation, Leistungssteigerung

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Sports physical therapy focuses on caring for athletes and treating sports-related injuries. It includes specific exercises, rehabilitation techniques and preventative measures to increase athletic performance and prevent injuries. Sports physiotherapists work closely with athletes to achieve their fitness goals and return them to sport in a safe manner.

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Sports physical therapy focuses on caring for athletes to prevent injuries and improve performance. A physical therapist will provide specific exercises and techniques to promote athletic performance and treat injuries. There are evidence-based studies that support the effectiveness of sports physical therapy.

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Sports physiotherapy has its origins in the 1950s, when sports physicians began to develop specific physiotherapy techniques for the rehabilitation of sports injuries. In the decades that followed, the methods and approaches of sports physiotherapy were further developed and refined to meet the unique needs of athletes.

In the 1970s and 1980s, sports physiotherapy became increasingly important as sports injuries and the need for their effective treatment became increasingly important. Specialized programs and facilities for the rehabilitation of athletes emerged that focused on preventative measures, injury management and performance optimization.

Today, sports physiotherapy is an integral part of professional sports and is used by athletes at all levels, from amateur athletes to Olympians. Professionals in this field work closely with athletic trainers, physicians, and other healthcare providers to help athletes prevent injuries, recover from injuries, and optimize their performance.

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