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Medical condition/treatment

Traumata Athletica

disc prolapse

Sports injuries

disc prolapse

Sports injuries can cause muscle, tendon or joint problems. Physical therapy is an important part of sports injury recovery. It helps to strengthen muscles, restore mobility and prepare the athlete for return to training.


Sports injuries, sports medicine, rehabilitation, injury prevention

Sports injuries

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Sportverletzungen, Verletzungsprävention, Rehabilitation, Sporttherapie

disc prolapse

Sports injuries are common injuries that can occur while playing sports, including sprains, strains, torn ligaments, and fractures. The treatment of sports injuries requires targeted rehabilitation to accelerate healing and restore full functionality. It includes physiotherapeutic measures such as manual therapy, exercise therapy and strengthening exercises. The goal is to enable athletes to return to training and competition quickly and safely.

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Sports injuries can have a variety of causes, and physical therapy is crucial to athletes' recovery. A physical therapist will provide specific exercises and techniques to treat injuries and promote athletic performance. There are evidence-based studies supporting the effectiveness of physical therapy for sports injuries.

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History: Dry needling, a technique in which needles are inserted into muscle trigger points to relieve tension, has gained popularity in recent years. Fact: Dry needling is similar to acupuncture, but uses different techniques.

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