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Medical condition/treatment

Thoracic outlet syndrome

disc prolapse

shoulder and arm

disc prolapse

Thoracic outlet syndrome refers to compression syndromes in which nerves and blood vessels in the chest and shoulder girdle areas become pinched. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms. Treatment may include physical therapy, targeted exercises to improve posture, and in severe cases, possibly surgery.


Anatomical deviations, muscle tension, injuries

Thoracic outlet syndrome

disc prolapse

Thoraxausgangssyndrom, Nervenkompression, Schulter-Nacken-Beschwerden, Gefäßkompression, Neurologische Störung, Schmerzlinderung, Physiotherapie, Orthopädische Beschwerden, Muskelverspannungen, Rehabilitation

disc prolapse

Thoracic outlet syndrome occurs due to compression of the nerves or blood vessels in the shoulder and chest area. Causes can be anatomical deviations or muscle tension.

disc prolapse

Treatment for thoracic outlet syndrome may include physical therapy exercises to improve posture and muscles. In some cases, surgery to relieve pressure on the nerves and blood vessels may be necessary. An orthopedist or neurologist can determine the best course of action.

disc prolapse

Thoracic outlet syndrome was studied in more detail in the 20th century. It affects the nerves and blood vessels in the neck and shoulder areas. Modern diagnostic methods such as imaging have improved the identification of this disease. Treatment may include conservative measures such as physical therapy or, in some cases, surgery to relieve pressure on the affected structures.

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