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Medical condition/treatment

Williams-Beuren syndrome

disc prolapse

Hole body

disc prolapse

Williams-Beuren syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes developmental delays, cardiovascular problems, distinctive facial features, and a unique personality characterized by extroverted behavior and social friendliness. It is caused by a deletion on chromosome 7.


Williams-Beuren syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the absence of 26-28 genes on chromosome 7. The exact cause of this gene deletion syndrome is unknown, but genetics plays a role. Other factors may include environmental factors and neural wiring disorders.

Williams-Beuren syndrome

disc prolapse

Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie, Logopädie, Frühförderung, Entwicklungsförderung, Medikamentöse Therapie, Psychologische Unterstützung, Familienberatung

disc prolapse

Williams-Beuren syndrome is caused by a deletion of genes on chromosome 7. This deletion results in a variety of symptoms, including cognitive impairment, heart defects and distinctive facial features.

disc prolapse

- Early intervention and developmental support - Music therapy to promote social skills - Physiotherapy to improve mobility - Behavioral support and social skills training - Family training and counseling

disc prolapse

Williams-Beuren syndrome was first described by J. C. P. Williams in 1961. It is a rare genetic disorder caused by the absence of genes on chromosome 7. The main features include cardiovascular problems, distinctive facial features, developmental delays and learning difficulties. Advances in genetics have led to the development of specific therapies and interventions.

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