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3D Body Scanner: The Ultimate Guide to Precise Measurements


Welcome to our fascinating overview of the world of 3D body scanning! It's great to see you're interested in this innovative technology that enables precise measurements of your body. This article will delve into the current offerings of 3D body scans. You have the opportunity to book an appointment and discover how the Scaneca scanner can support you on your journey to better fitness and physiotherapy. Additionally, we'll take a quick glance into the future of this technology.

You're in the right place if you're looking for detailed information about the Scaneca scanner that is used for the scan, as you may have seen in the video above. You can also see the creation of a 3D avatar from your scan.

We provide two different types of 3D body scans – tailored for your individual needs as well as for a comprehensive body analysis. Stay tuned to learn more!

One specifically for Kinekt ( Kinekt 3D Bodyscan ) and another that is optimally integrated into our physiotherapy process ( Physio 3D Bodyscan ).

In this article we take you into the world of state-of-the-art 3D scanning techniques. Scaneca and the Sportfreunde club in Zurich are in the spotlight. With the latest Kinekt training system , togehter with them we revolutionise the gym experience and provide precise data that advances your fitness and health goals.

We'll give you a deep insight into the importance of accurate body measurements and show you how they can be used in different areas - not just in the gym. You will also find out everything about prices, availability and what the future holds in terms of body measurement.

Ready to journey through the next level of physical analysis? Then stick around and experience how 3D body scanning can completely change your approach to fitness and health. And on top of that make things easier for you to reach your goals. Information is key.

And if you are already curious about further details, please take a look at . There you will find inspiring information about the benefits of Kinekt and physical therapy that can improve your health and performance on bases of accurate information delivered by the scan.

Why are accurate body measurements important?

Accuracy is key when it comes to body measurements. It's not just numbers, but valuable data that sheds light on your current fitness level and paves the way to your health goals. Accurate measurements provide a solid foundation for tailored training and nutrition plans.

The benefits of accurate body measurements

Here are some of the benefits you get from accurate body measurements:

1. Body fat measurement

Body fat measurement provides information about the proportion of fat in the body. Too much body fat can be harmful to your health, while too little fat also poses risks. Accuracy in measurement makes it possible to adapt training and nutrition to achieve an optimal body fat percentage.

2. Lean Mass

Better understand how much of your weight is muscle mass. This is particularly important for assessing muscle building progress and adjusting calorie intake and macronutrient distribution.

3. Basal metabolic rate

Know the amount of calories your body burns at rest. A precise number helps to design your diet so that you either lose or gain weight - depending on your goals. Before you scan you can use our manual BMR calculator as well

4. Posture analysis

Correct posture is crucial for musculoskeletal health and can prevent injuries. It also plays a major role in specialized training programs such as Aesthetic Sport with Kinekt , where the aim is to improve not only athletic performance but also external appearance.

Each of these metrics can help you track your fitness goals with precision. By taking accurate measurements, you can ensure that you are on the right path and that your efforts are producing the desired results.

The importance of accurate body measurements for specific sports

In addition, knowing these values allows you to optimize your performance in specific sports. For example in golf, where strength, flexibility and a stable posture are crucial to perfecting shot precision and game strategy. The Kinekt Golf program

The role of Scaneca and Kinekt

In the world of accurate body measurements, there are two major players that play a prominent role: Scaneca and Kinekt Sport training . Together we specialize in taking fitness and health to the next level and helping you achieve your goals.

Scaneca: Precise body measurements with the latest Kinekt Training system

Scaneca is a leading company in the field of precise body measurements. Using advanced 3D scanning technology, Scaneca enables accurate measurements, allowing customers to accurately track their progress and optimize their performance.

A unique advantage of Scaneca together with the Kinekt training system is that The 3D scanner system accurately records a person's body data and provides detailed information about various parameters such as body fat measurements, lean mass, basal metabolic rate and posture analysis. These accurate measurements allow customers to prevent injuries and pursue their fitness and health goals more effectively when this is implemented in your Kinekt training planThe Kinekt Training System is taking a giant leap forward with the integration of our state-of-the-art 3D scanner technology. This isn't just any scanner; it's the key to unlocking a personalised training experience like no other.

Here's how it works: our 3D scanner meticulously captures your body's unique contours and metrics. We're talking about detailed insights into your body fat percentage, lean mass, basal metabolic rate, and even your posture. It's like having a high-tech fitness mirror that reflects not just your image, but the intricate details of your physical makeup.

But what do we do with all this data? That's where the magic of Kinekt Training comes into play. We use these precise measurements to tailor your fitness plan down to the finest detail. Imagine having a workout and nutrition plan that's as unique as your fingerprint, designed to optimise your health and performance while keeping injury at bay. Available in our application for you.

And the best part? As you progress on your fitness journey, the 3D scanner allows us to track your changes over time. This means we can celebrate your victories together and fine-tune your plan to keep you moving towards your goals. We do thia in our physiotherapy centre and with Kinekt Training.

In essence, the 3D scanner is not just a tool; it's our way of ensuring your Kinekt experience is deeply personal, incredibly effective, and always aligned with your evolving fitness journey. It's about using cutting-edge technology to bring out the best in you. Welcome to the future of fitness, made personal by Kinekt Training.

If you would like to find out more about the innovative approach you should definitely read this article . In it you will learn everything about sports physiotherapy, injury prevention, performance boost and rehabilitation for athletes. This approach is also known as Kinekt sport and opens up a variety of opportunities to increase your fitness.

For more information about the club's holistic approach to increasing fitness, see this post . Here you can find out more about how this innovative approach supports not only athletes but also sports enthusiasts in achieving their goals.

Practical applications of 3D body scanner technology

A 3D body scanner with athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Step Into Your Future Self: The 3D Fitness Revolution!"

The possible uses of 3D body scanners go far beyond the gym. Their ability to create accurate 3D avatar circumference measurements opens up a world of innovative applications. Imagine being able to order clothes online that fit perfectly without ever setting foot in a store. This is exactly where tailored clothing solutions come into play. Using a scan, your individual 3D model is created, on the basis of which designers and tailors can create tailor-made outfits. This is not only convenient, but also sustainable, as there are fewer returns and overproduction.

But it goes further. In virtual reality, these scans enable the creation of avatars that exactly match your real body. For gaming, social interactions or professional training environments in VR – your digital twin makes it possible. Some even use this technology for health monitoring and rehabilitation.

Efficiency and precision are also important in other areas where 3D body scanners are used. How the 3D scanner increases your fitness can be seen not only in sports, but also in medical therapy planning and personal health care.

For athletes, such technological support can be crucial when making decisions between different training methods. If you would like to learn more about how 3D body scanning compares to physical therapy, you will find valuable insights here .

The possibilities are diverse and extend across numerous industries - clear evidence that 3D body scanners are more than just a trend: they are a technological revolution with the potential to fundamentally change our everyday lives.

Prices and availability

Here you will find an overview of the costs for a 3D body measurement at Scaneca and their pricing packages:

  1. Kinekt 3D Body Scan – This package includes a single 3D scan, nutritional and Kinect consultation, and plan adjustments. For optimal results, we recommend at least two scans per consultation (55 minutes), with each scan costing 175 CHF.

  2. Physio 3D Body Scan – + Integration into your physical therapy plan for closer monitoring and progress control. We recommend two scans, one at the beginning and one at the end of therapy. Costs 175 CHF per scan, consultation and plan. Included in your Kinekt plan of three months and more (2 scans)

  1. By taking two scans over time, you can accurately track changes in your body and measure your progress toward fitness goals or weight loss programs.

  2. It also offers flexibility in case you need to make changes to your dress size, such as: B. when you lose weight or build muscle. You can use the second scan to make sure your clothes fit perfectly.

  3. Additionally, it may be more cost-effective to choose the premium package as the price per scan is lower than the basic package.

The future of body measurement: trends and innovations

Body measurement technology is constantly evolving, offering exciting new possibilities for accurately measuring the body. Here are some trends and innovations that could play an important role in the near future:

Biometric sensors

Biometric sensors are increasingly being used to take precise measurements on the body. These sensors can measure various parameters such as heart rate, skin temperature and muscle activity to provide a comprehensive picture of physical condition. By integrating biometric sensors into 3D body scanners, the accuracy of measurements could be further improved.

AI-supported evaluations

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly larger role in analyzing body data. By using machine learning algorithms, AI systems can recognize patterns and connections in the measurement results and provide valuable insights. For example, AI-supported evaluations could help track training progress, predict injury risks or create personalized training programs.

Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality is already being used in various areas, including the fitness industry. When it comes to body measurement, VR could be used to provide customers with an immersive experience. For example, customers could create their own avatar and virtually try on different items of clothing to find the perfect fit.

Advanced Applications

In addition to the fitness sector, there are many other possible applications for 3D body scanners. For example, in the medical field, body measurements could be used to adjust prostheses or monitor the healing process. In the fashion industry, 3D body scanners could also help create tailor-made clothing.

These trends and innovations show that the future of body measurement holds exciting possibilities. By integrating new technologies and methods, it will be possible to take even more precise measurements and gain valuable insights into the body. It remains exciting to see what further developments await us in this area.


The importance of accurate body measurements and the revolutionary role of 3D scanning technology

Accurate body measurements are crucial for:

  1. Pursuing fitness goals

  2. The prevention of injuries

  3. Optimizing performance

3D scanning technology allows us to take accurate measurements, allowing our customers to accurately track their progress.

Connection to Kinekt and how the subscription includes 3D body scanning

With the Kinekt subscription, the 3D body scans are already included. This is another benefit that our customers can enjoy.

Additional usage options for physiotherapy and Kinekt bookings

Additionally, the scans can also be used separately for physiotherapy and Kinekt bookings, providing our customers with additional flexibility.

frequently asked Questions

Why are accurate body measurements important?

The importance of precision body measurement for your fitness and health goals. How body fat measurements, lean mass, basal metabolic rate and posture analysis can help you accurately track progress, prevent injuries and optimize performance.

How does Scaneca enable accurate measurements with the latest Kinekt system?

How Scaneca enables accurate measurements using advanced 3D scanning technology. The unique advantages of Scaneca's Kinekt system for even more precise recording of your body data.

What is the practical application of 3D Body Scanner technology?

Insight into the various applications of 3D body scanners beyond fitness, such as tailored clothing and virtual reality.

What are the prices and availability of services at Scaneca?

An overview of the costs of a 3D body measurement at Scaneca and their pricing packages. What services are included in the various options and why offering two scans within a six-month period is particularly recommended.

What does the future of body measurement look like in terms of trends and innovations?

An outlook on the developing technologies and methods in this area, such as biometric sensors and AI-supported evaluations.


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