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Are you (a) nut? Everything about fats and their effects on the body


Fats are really fascinating if you think about it! Not only are they part of our diet, but they also have a huge impact on our health. Here we take the time to have a closer look. We have a look at the different types of fats, what they do in the body, and how they can affect our health. Ready? Let's dive in!

Fat and Fatter
The good and the not so good fats: A visual overview

Types of fats

Fats come in different forms - like a diverse range of options! Look, we have saturated fats, for example. They are mainly hidden in things like butter, cheese and fatty meat. Well, they're not exactly our heart's best friends, as excess can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. But don't worry, there are also the good guys - the unsaturated fats! You can find them in things like nuts, avocados and olive oil. They are, so to speak, the heroes when it comes to the health of our hearts. They help reduce the risk of heart disease. But wait, there are still the nasty trans fats! They are usually hidden in processed foods such as cookies, chips and fast food. It's best to avoid them because they can be really unhealthy for you. So, remember: healthy fats are your friends, while unhealthy fats are more of a killjoy!

Functions of fats in the body

Fats are really the all-rounders in the body! They do so much more than just make us fat. Look, they are like little energy suppliers - always ready to provide us with power when we need it. And that's not all! They are also real heroes when it comes to absorbing important vitamins. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble, which means that without fats we would not be able to absorb them properly. So thank you, fats, for helping us stay healthy and fit!

And then there's the matter of cell membranes. They are the guardians of our body, so to speak, and fats help keep them strong and flexible. This is important so that our cells can work well and we stay healthy.

But that is not all! Fats also have a cool job when it comes to regulating our body temperature. They ensure that we don't overheat or get too cold, but always stay nice and cosy.

And last but not least, they are real bodyguards for our vital organs. A bit like superheroes who protect our hearts, lungs, etc. and ensure that they always function perfectly. So thank you, fats, for doing so many important jobs in our bodies!

Effects of fats on health

Hey, pay attention, because here comes the important part! If you include too many of these bad boys, saturated and trans fats, in your diet, you can quickly find yourself in trouble. Heart disease, stroke and other unpleasant health problems could be on the agenda. But don't worry, we have a plan!

We recommend reducing your consumption of these unhealthy fats and instead relying on the heroes - the unsaturated fats. They are, so to speak, the bodyguards for your heart and can help keep it healthy. Sounds good, right?

And hey, how about a balanced diet that's packed with the good stuff? Think of all the delicious fruits and vegetables, colorful whole grains and healthy fats! They are all real superstars when it comes to improving your health and reducing the risk of disease.


Why are they healthy?

Exemplary foods

fruit and vegetables

Packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber for a strong immune system and healthy digestion.

Apples, carrots, broccoli, spinach, berries

whole grain products

Rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates that provide long-lasting energy and keep blood sugar levels stable.

Whole grain bread, oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice

Healthy fats

Help reduce the risk of heart disease and are important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Avocados, nuts (e.g. almonds, walnuts), olive oil

These delicious options can really spice up your meals and give your body exactly what it needs to stay fit and healthy. Get the fruits, vegetables and whole grain products! Your body will thank you.


Fats are really a must-have for a balanced diet. But hey, here's the kicker: It's super important that we know the different types of fats and how they affect our health. With a little awareness and a pinch of healthy nutrition, we can reduce our risk of illness and feel completely good.

Mango, advocados, nuts
A paradise of avocado and nuts by the sea

So, let's choose wisely what we put on our plate! By choosing healthy fats and ignoring unhealthy ones, we give our bodies exactly what they need to be at their best. So, let's go to a healthy and happy future!


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