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Children's physiotherapy: A path to optimal development

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When children's physiotherapy?

If you notice that your child hesitates when moving, doesn't quite get back into their usual swing after an injury or is facing special challenges such as cerebral palsy, then children's physiotherapy is exactly the right thing.

It's not just about support - it's an invitation to play, to discover the joy of movement that goes far beyond the therapy session. This form of therapy can work wonders by not only developing motor skills, but also increasing self-confidence and encouraging the child to experience new movement adventures. At the first signs or uncertainties, it is important not to hesitate.

Starting physical therapy early can be crucial and help your child develop their full potential. Get professional advice – because starting early means laying the foundation for successful development.

What is children's physiotherapy?

Pediatric physiotherapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that focuses on promoting the healthy development and well-being of children. At ApexaQLA Suisse, we attach great importance to an individual and evidence-based approach to offer the best possible support to children with developmental delays, motor challenges and neurological diseases such as cerebral palsy and hypotonia.

therapist and child
A shared moment of success in which childlike laughter and therapeutic care go hand in hand

Our therapeutic approaches are based on the latest scientific findings and are carried out by our team of globally trained specialists. Our child-friendly practice is designed to create a positive and supportive environment in which every child can achieve their full potential.In children's physiotherapy at we use a wide range of forms of therapy to support each child individually and support their development. Our approaches include:

Manual therapy

Manual therapy involves special hand grip techniques aimed at relieving pain and improving joint function. These techniques are individually adapted to achieve optimal results and promote children's mobility.

Neurological forms of therapy

For children with neurological impairments, neurological forms of therapy are central to the treatment of disorders of motor control and coordination. These specialized techniques are tailored to each child's needs and support neurological development. Through targeted exercises, significant progress can be made in children's motor skills and independence, which promotes their quality of life and active participation in everyday life.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy, a central element of children's physiotherapy, uses active exercises to strengthen muscles and improve mobility. These exercises are essential to promote the child's motor development. They not only support physical strengthening, but also improve coordination and balance. Through exercise therapy, children are introduced to physical activities in a playful and motivating way, which strengthens their self-confidence and self-confidence.

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)

DMI is a modern approach to pediatric physiotherapy, developed by Jo Anne Weltmann (Canada) and Jake Kreindler (USA). This method uses dynamic movements in a playful way to promote motor development and neurological functions.

Application of DMI

DMI is particularly effective in children with developmental delays or neurological challenges such as cerebral palsy or hypotonia. Neuronal development is stimulated through targeted movement patterns and sensory stimulation.

Advantages of DMI

  • Promoting brain development and neuroplasticity

  • Improve motor skills and coordination

  • Support in achieving developmental milestones

Children's physiotherapy at ApexaQLA Suisse offers a comprehensive range of treatments by combining different forms of therapy, including the innovative DMI. This enables targeted and individual support for each child on their path to optimal development and health.

The role of parents

The central role of parents in children's physiotherapy at ApexaQLA Suisse

In our practice ApexaQLA Suisse, we attach great importance to the active involvement of parents in their children's therapy process. We believe that collaboration between therapists and parents is a fundamental component for the success of children's physical therapy.

Family in Scenic Mountains
Shared moments in the picturesque mountain landscape.

Partnership collaboration

Our therapists work closely and collaboratively with parents. This cooperation begins with a comprehensive initial consultation in which we discuss each child's individual needs and goals together with the parents. Through regular progress reports and feedback sessions, we keep parents informed about their child's development and actively involve them in the decision-making process.

Individual advice and coaching

We offer parents individual advice and coaching to give them the knowledge and skills they need to optimally support their children at home. This includes practical instructions for exercises that can be easily integrated into everyday life, as well as strategies to promote children's independence and motivation.

Promoting the home environment

Another essential aspect of our work is adapting and improving the home environment to enable seamless and efficient continuation of therapy at home. We offer parents targeted advice on the selection of toys, furniture and aids that are specifically designed to support the therapy goals and motivate children to exercise more and be active in everyday life. These targeted measures not only make the home environment more child-friendly and safe, but also create a stimulating environment that promotes children's motor and cognitive development and contributes to a holistic improvement in their well-being.

Strengthening the parent-child relationship

By working together on the therapy goals, we not only strengthen the children's motor and cognitive skills, but also the parent-child relationship. The shared activities and exercises provide valuable opportunities for positive interactions that deepen the trust and bond between parents and children.

Long-term accompaniment and support

Our goal at ApexaQLA Suisse is to offer long-term accompaniment and support for families. Even after the intensive therapy phase has been completed, we provide the families with advice to ensure the sustainability of the progress made and to provide further assistance if necessary.

The involvement of parents in children's physiotherapy at ApexaQLA Suisse is an essential part of our holistic approach. We firmly believe that the active participation and commitment of parents is crucial for the success of therapy and forms the basis for optimal development and a fulfilling life for children.

The use of Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) and TheraTogs

We combine advanced therapy methods such as Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) with the use of TheraTogs to ensure comprehensive treatment. DMI specifically promotes neurological connections and improves motor control and coordination, while TheraTogs serve as complementary support to correct posture and improve range of motion.

Areas of application of TheraTogs:

  • Posture correction: Correcting posture problems and promoting healthy posture.

  • Rehabilitation: Supporting the healing process after injuries through targeted stabilization.

  • Neurological support: Improvement of motor skills in neurological diseases.

  • Promoting development: Supporting motor development and improving movement skills.

Differences between children's physiotherapy and adult physiotherapy

Specialization in development phases

Children's physiotherapy is specifically tailored to the developmental phases and needs of children. It takes into account growth, motor development and the specific challenges that children may experience from birth to adolescence.

Family-oriented approach

A key difference to adult physiotherapy is the family-oriented approach of children's physiotherapy. Active parental involvement and guidance on support at home are crucial components to ensuring ongoing support and positive development.

Playful therapy methods

Child physiotherapy uses playful and creative approaches to achieve the therapy goals in a way that is appealing and motivating for the child. The use of play and movement makes therapy accessible to children while encouraging their active participation.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

Early and interdisciplinary collaboration with other specialist areas such as pediatricians, occupational therapists and speech therapists is another feature of children's physiotherapy. This close cooperation enables a holistic view and treatment of child development.

At ApexaQLA Suisse we attach great importance to recognizing and honoring every child in their uniqueness. Our approach is to develop tailored therapy plans that are precisely tailored to each child's individual needs and inherent potential. Our primary goal is to support children in their development and to accompany them on their way to an active and self-determined life.

We are aware that questions and needs can arise at any time. That's why our team, consisting of specialists from all over the world, is available to you at any time to support you with your concerns. Our experts bring a wide range of specialist knowledge to find an answer to every question and offer the best possible support.

We know how important it is for families to receive timely and effective help. That's why we strive to offer you quick appointments without long waiting times. We want to understand your situation and needs in detail so that we can provide you and your child with the best possible care.

Contact our team to find out more about our services and how we can support you and your child. We look forward to talking to you and finding the best path for your child’s development together. At ApexaQLA Suisse you are not alone - we are there to support you and your family at all times.


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