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Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) - Paediatric Physiotherapy that Goes Straight to the Brain

What is DMI?

An Effective Therapy for Promoting Children's Motor Development

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is a proven therapeutic method that helps children with neurological motor development disorders make progress towards developmental milestones. Our DMI therapy is based on current knowledge in neurorehabilitation, blending it with established physio therapeutic approaches. Our primary goal with DMI is to promote neuroplasticity, creating new neural connections to support motor development.

A Rainbow in a Green, Lush Landscape: The Beauty of Nature
The Diversity of Child Development: How DMI Works Like a Rainbow

How Does DMI Relate to a Rainbow?

In a way, a rainbow can be compared to Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) concerning the diversity and potential of children's motor development. Just as a rainbow displays a variety of colours and facets, DMI offers a wide range of exercises and approaches to address each child's unique needs and abilities. Both symbolize the wonderful diversity and possibilities present in the world of nature and child development.

What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the remarkable ability of the brain to adapt and form new connections after injuries or damage. This is especially crucial for children with brain injuries, as their brains can find alternative pathways to compensate for impaired functions. Our specialized therapy approaches support this adaptability and foster development.

Who Benefits from DMI?

Regardless of their cognitive level or the extent of their neurological challenges, children with motor delays, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, global developmental delay, hypotonia, chromosomal abnormalities, spinal cord injuries, or acquired brain injuries can benefit from our DMI therapy. Even premature infants can benefit from DMI, as it promotes neuroplasticity in their developing brains.

What Happens During Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)?

Working closely with our young patients, we identify the areas we want to address together. Based on this, we select exercises that challenge the neurological system while simultaneously developing fundamental motor milestones. Our exercises include movements against gravity, postural exercises, and strength-building exercises.

During our sessions, children engage in various exercises that provide them with new sensory and motor experiences. These exercises are repeated until movements become automated, leading to improved balance and function. DMI can be effectively combined with other therapeutic approaches and devices to achieve optimal results.

DMI Focuses On:

  • Enhancing gross motor skills

  • Gradually increasing exercise difficulty

  • Ensuring optimal alignment and postural control

  • Increasing muscle and joint flexibility

  • Enhancing balance

  • Promoting functional movements

  • Developing somatosensory perception

  • Integrating primitive reflexes to normalize movement patterns

Myths About DMI: Dispelling Misconceptions

  • DMI is only suitable for severely affected children: Not true! DMI can help children with a wide range of motor challenges, regardless of the severity.

  • DMI is painful and burdensome: That's a misunderstanding. DMI exercises are designed to be gentle and safe, aiming to make motor development a pleasant experience.

  • DMI offers no long-term benefits: On the contrary, DMI aims to achieve long-term improvements in motor development by promoting neuroplasticity.

Conclusion: DMI – An Opportunity for Motor Development

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) provides an effective means of supporting motor development in children facing neurological challenges. Our therapy fosters neuroplasticity, enabling children to achieve crucial milestones in their motor development. If you would like to learn more about DMI or have specific questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly team is ready to discuss your individual situation and how DMI can help you or your child.

Together, we work towards achieving progress and enhancing motor skills


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