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Introduction to muscular plasticity and protein biosynthesis part 2/3

Are you ready to delve deeper into the secrets of your muscles? Let's understand how training and nutrition can shape your skeletal muscles into true masterpieces.

Muscles part 2
Explosive growth: muscle fibers in action!

Resistance training-induced MPS

Resistance training is not only an exercise in discipline, but also a direct dialogue with your muscles. It tells them, "It's time to grow!" And you know what? Your muscles are listening. Every weight you lift promotes muscle protein biosynthesis, or MPS, inviting your muscles to grow stronger and bigger.

Adaptability of skeletal muscle

Your muscles are amazing adaptors. They respond to the stresses you give them and reshape themselves. This adaptation process is a combination of training, nutrition and recovery. It allows you to adapt to almost any challenge, be it a marathon or heavy lifting.

Role of satellite cells

Satellite cells are the silent heroes in muscle growth. They lie dormant between your muscle fibers, ready to help whenever needed. When muscles are stressed or damaged, they awaken and contribute to the repair and growth of your muscles. They are like little helpers that ensure that your muscles are always in top shape.

Different types of muscle hypertrophy

Muscles grow in different ways. There we have sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which stores more fluid and energy in the muscles, and myofibrillar hypertrophy, which increases the actual muscle proteins. Both types are important for comprehensive muscle growth and make you stronger and more durable.

Aging process and muscle protein biosynthesis

Ah, old age – unstoppable and inevitable. But did you know that through exercise and nutrition you can help your muscles stand the test of time?

Changes in MPS with age

Over the years, muscle protein biosynthesis slows down and the muscles no longer respond as quickly to training and diet. This is completely natural, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can influence this process and maintain your muscle strength and mass for longer.

Strategies for maintaining muscle mass

There are many ways to maintain and even improve your muscle mass even as you get older. Regular training, especially strength training, is essential. A diet high in protein also helps, as does getting enough sleep and rest. And don't forget to always stay hydrated!

So now you are equipped with knowledge to help you support your muscles through every stage of life. Remember that it is never too late to start exercising or adjust your diet. Your muscles will thank you!

Challenges and solutions

In the gym or on the track, each of us faces obstacles. But don't worry, there is a solution for every problem!

Individual differences and reactions to training

We are all unique - this is also reflected in our reaction to training. Some of us are like sprinters, others like marathon runners. Don't worry if you don't see progress right away. It's about finding the training that suits YOU. Individuality is not an obstacle, but an opportunity to find your own way!

Overcoming anabolic resistance

Over time, our muscles can become a little stubborn and no longer respond as quickly to training. This is called anabolic resistance. But don't panic! With targeted training and nutrition, you can get your muscles back on track. Remember, endurance and adaptability are your best friends on the road to stronger muscles.

Importance of micronutrients and supplementation

Vitamins and minerals are the secret stars behind a healthy body. They not only help your immune system, but also your muscles to work efficiently. Consider whether you can optimize your diet with micronutrients. But remember: supplementation does not replace a balanced diet!


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