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Pros and cons of cardio and HIIT training: What you should know!

Cardio and HITT - Mountain and Beach
HIIT & Cardio


Advantages and disadvantages of HIIT training

There are a variety of training methods to choose from when it comes to improving overall health and fitness. One method that has been gaining more and more attention recently is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) . Before we focus on the specific pros and cons, it's important to stress that each training method has its strengths and weaknesses. The same goes for HIIT and cardio.

HIIT is a dynamic workout that combines intense exercise with rest intervals. This results in a number of benefits, but also has certain disadvantages. Similarly, steady-state cardio training offers continuous, moderate-intensity exercise, which brings its own benefits and challenges.

In this article, we will examine these two training methods and highlight their respective advantages and disadvantages. The choice between HIIT and cardio depends on many factors, including individual schedule, fitness level, personal preferences, and health status.

Our goal is to give you a comprehensive insight into the pros and cons of HIIT training compared to cardio so you can make informed decisions about your training program.

If you decide to do HIIT, you should know that Kinekt offers a range of versatile fitness and sports tools that can take your training to the next level. In addition, we also have an article with 50 tips for maximum fat loss and more that can help you reach your goals faster, whether in Zurich with us or online and at home.

Benefits of HIIT training

HIIT training has been shown to be a very effective method for improving overall fitness and health. There are a number of benefits associated with this type of training.

1. Time efficiency

One of the biggest benefits of HIIT is its time efficiency . Unlike traditional, longer cardio sessions that often last more than an hour, HIIT workouts can be completed in just 15 to 30 minutes. Despite the shorter duration, these workouts can be just as effective when it comes to burning calories and improving overall fitness, making HIIT an ideal option for people on a tight schedule.

2. EPOC effect

Another key benefit of HIIT training is the EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) effect . This refers to the increased amount of oxygen your body uses after an intense workout. This increased oxygen intake causes your body to continue burning calories even after the workout is over. This can help speed up weight loss and increase metabolism.

3. Improve cardiovascular health and endurance performance

HIIT training can also help improve cardiovascular health . It has been shown to lower blood pressure and increase "good" HDL cholesterol while also lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol. Additionally, HIIT training can help improve endurance performance . By exercising regularly, you can improve your aerobic and anaerobic fitness, which will help you train longer and harder.

However, it's important to note that HIIT training isn't for everyone. It's intense and requires a certain level of basic fitness, so you should always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns.

For those who are able to incorporate HIIT sessions into their routine, the benefits can be significant. From saving time to improving heart health, HIIT offers an effective way to stay fit and achieve health goals.

Overall, HIIT training can be an effective way to achieve fitness goals and improve health. However, it is important to consider your own fitness level and any health concerns and seek professional assistance when designing your training plan.

EPOC effect

EPOC stands for "Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption," which translates to increased oxygen consumption after training. This effect is particularly noticeable after HIIT training sessions. What happens here is a kind of afterburn effect, where the body continues to burn more calories after intense exercise in order to return to its resting state - a direct consequence of the time efficiency of the training.

  • Increase endurance: The high heart rate peaks during HIIT not only stimulate calorie consumption but also improve cardiovascular health.

  • Advantage: Time efficiency: The short but high-intensity training style means that you continue to burn calories even after training - ideal for those with little time.

  • Advantage: EPOC effect: The body needs energy to pay off the oxygen debt, which contributes to fat burning even after the workout.

The EPOC effect makes HIIT an attractive option for those who want to benefit not only during training but also afterward. This benefit complements the time efficiency aspect and underlines the effectiveness of HIIT for improving cardiovascular health and increasing endurance.

Improve cardiovascular health and endurance performance

An outstanding benefit of HIIT training is the improvement of cardiovascular health . The intensity of the training puts a lot of strain on the cardiovascular system, which leads to a strengthening of the heart muscle. The increased heart rate during the intense phases promotes blood circulation and can help lower blood pressure.

HIIT also contributes to Increased endurance . Despite the short duration of the training sessions, the intense exercise phases lead to improved oxygen uptake in the body. Studies have shown that HIIT can significantly increase maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), an important indicator of endurance performance.

However, it should be noted that despite the time efficiency and positive effects on cardiovascular health and endurance, adequate warm-up and cool-down, and sufficient recovery time between workouts are essential to avoid injury and maximize health benefits.

Disadvantages of HIIT training

Despite the numerous benefits that HIIT training offers, there are also some disadvantages to consider. These include an increased risk of injury, longer recovery time, and possible limitations for certain individuals.

1. Risk of injury

The risk of injury tends to be higher with HIIT training compared to other forms of exercise. This is due to the high intensity and speed of the exercises that often need to be performed. While the fast pace adds to the many benefits of this style of training, it can also result in exercises being performed less accurately.

Fast and intense movements can cause muscle strain or even more serious injuries such as torn ligaments or tendons. People who are new to fitness or have a pre-existing injury should be especially cautious and possibly start at a lower intensity level.

It is also important to perform a proper warm-up before exercise to minimize the risk of injury. A good warm-up routine can help prepare the muscles for the upcoming effort and reduce the risk of injury.

In addition, anyone who decides to try HIIT should make sure they master the correct form and technique for each exercise. Incorrect form can not only reduce the effectiveness of the workout but also increase the risk of injury, so it can be helpful to work with a trainer or at least get advice from an expert.

2. Longer recovery time

Another aspect that should be taken into account when doing HIIT training is the recovery time required. Due to the high intensity and the associated high energy consumption, the body needs a longer recovery time compared to conventional cardio training.

During this recovery phase, symptoms such as muscle soreness and general fatigue may occur. This can be particularly detrimental for those who have a busy training schedule or who need to be physically active the day after training.

It is important to emphasize that adequate recovery time is crucial not only for body recovery but also for muscle growth and performance improvement. Without adequate rest and recovery, the risk of overtraining and injury can increase.

Keywords: Longer recovery time, Disadvantage: Longer recovery time

3. Limitations and contraindications

Every fitness program has its own limitations and HIIT is no exception. Not suitable for everyone , HIIT training places high demands on the body and mind.

  • Risk of injury : As mentioned above, the risk of injury is higher with this type of training. People with joint problems or chronic illnesses should seek medical advice before attempting intense training such as HIIT.

  • Longer recovery time : It takes time to recover from a HIIT session. This can be inconvenient for some people who have a tight schedule.

  • Not for everyone : HIIT is not always the best option for beginners or people with certain health conditions. Listen to your body and adjust your workout accordingly.

The key is balance. It's important to find a workout program that meets your individual needs. In the next section, we'll explore the benefits of cardio exercise to help you make an informed decision.

Benefits of cardio training

1. Suitable for all fitness levels

Cardio training is characterized by its universal accessibility. Unlike high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which requires a certain level of basic fitness, people can start cardio regardless of their fitness level. This aspect is especially important for beginners or for those who want to start training again after a long break.

  • Beginner-friendly : Beginners can start with light activities such as walking or slow jogging and gradually increase intensity and duration.

  • Adaptable : Advanced athletes can increase the intensity by, for example, incorporating faster running intervals or uphill cycling.

This flexibility means that cardio provides an excellent platform to build and improve physical fitness without overtaxing the body. In addition, cardio can be seamlessly integrated into everyday life - whether it's cycling to work, brisk walking during your lunch break, or swimming in the evening.

In addition to accessibility , improving lung capacity plays a central role in the benefits of cardio training. Regular aerobic exercise increases lung efficiency:

  • Better oxygen absorption : The lungs learn to absorb oxygen more effectively and deliver it to the muscles.

  • Increased endurance : Over time, you can perform longer workouts without getting out of breath.

Finally, preventing heart disease is another significant benefit of cardio. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, but regular aerobic exercise can reduce the risk:

  • Strengthening the heart muscle : The heart pumps more efficiently, which can lower blood pressure and keep the heart healthy.

  • Reduction of risk factors : Aerobic exercise can help regulate body weight and keep cholesterol levels in balance.

Because of these positive effects on various aspects of health, cardio is a fundamental part of a balanced training plan.

2. Improve lung capacity

Benefit: Improved lung capacity - a key aspect of health-oriented training. Cardio training, especially at moderate intensity over a longer period of time, challenges the respiratory organs in a way that can increase their capacity.

  • Increasing respiratory efficiency : Regular endurance training can help the lungs absorb more oxygen and release it into the bloodstream more efficiently.

  • Better oxygen supply : Improved lung capacity ensures an effective supply of oxygen to all body cells, which leads to an increase in overall performance.

  • Long-term health benefits : In addition to the immediate improvement in performance, increased lung capacity also supports long-term well-being and can significantly improve the quality of life.

This benefit of cardio training perfectly complements the previously mentioned aspect that it is suitable for all fitness levels. Regardless of the current condition, continuous training can lead to improvements in lung function, which in turn can have a preventive effect against heart disease.

3. Prevention of heart disease

Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common health problems worldwide. Regular cardio exercise can strengthen the heart and significantly reduce the risk of such diseases. Here are some specific benefits:

  • Strengthening the heart muscle : Constant exercise at moderate intensity trains the heart muscle to pump more efficiently and improves blood circulation in the body.

  • Lower blood pressure : Cardio exercise can help lower blood pressure, which is an essential factor in preventing heart disease.

  • Improve cholesterol levels : Endurance activities can help increase "good" HDL cholesterol and lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

The advantage: Suitable for all fitness levels

Cardio training is suitable for all fitness levels, so anyone – regardless of current health status – can start and help prevent heart disease.

The advantage: improved quality of life and reduced risk

Preventing heart disease not only results in better heart health, but also in an overall improved quality of life and a lower risk of many other health conditions.

Disadvantages of cardio training

Cardio exercise has many health benefits, but there are also some drawbacks to consider.

1. Time-consuming

A major disadvantage of cardio exercise is that it can be time-consuming . Unlike HIIT sessions, which are performed in short, intense bursts, cardio exercise often requires longer periods of continuous movement. It's not uncommon for a cardio session to last 30 minutes to an hour. This can be difficult for people with busy schedules.

2. Less EPOC effect

Another disadvantage is the lower EPOC effect (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption). EPOC refers to the amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to return to its resting state. HIIT workouts produce a significantly higher EPOC effect than traditional cardio training. This means that you burn more calories after a HIIT workout than after a cardio session of the same length.

3. Potential monotony

The third problem with cardio training can be its monotony . While some people enjoy the feeling of constant movement, others find it monotonous and boring. This can lead to a drop in motivation and less effective training. In comparison, HIIT workouts are often more varied and can therefore be more fun.

Despite these drawbacks, cardio exercise remains an important component of a balanced fitness program. It offers numerous health benefits and can be a good option for those who prefer a lower intensity level or have certain health conditions. It's important to find a form of exercise that fits your lifestyle, goals, and physical condition.

2. Less EPOC effect

Another disadvantage of traditional cardio training is the lower EPOC effect (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption), also known as the afterburn effect. This effect describes the increased oxygen uptake and the associated increased calorie consumption after training.

Compared to HIIT training, where the body is pushed to its limits in short, intense sessions, the EPOC effect is significantly lower with moderate cardio training. The result: fewer calories are burned after training and fat burning is less efficient.

Here are some points for better understanding:

  • HIIT training : Short, intense periods of exertion alternate with recovery phases. This type of training gets your metabolism going and keeps it at a high level for some time after training.

  • Cardio training : Longer training phases with moderate intensity. The metabolism is stimulated, but does not reach the high level as with HIIT training and returns to the resting state more quickly after training.

It is important to note that despite the lower EPOC effect, cardio training is still an effective method for improving overall fitness and health.

3. Potential monotony

Cardio workout routines can be perceived as monotonous due to their sameness. This disadvantage: potential monotony means that some individuals may find it difficult to motivate themselves when repeating the same movements or type of activity over a long period of time. Unlike the dynamic nature of HIIT, where the intensity and exercises vary, the consistent pace and less variety of traditional cardio can lead to monotony .

  • Time-consuming : Longer training sessions can also increase monotony.

  • Less EPOC effect : Another factor that could influence motivation is the reduced afterburn effect compared to HIIT.

To combat monotony, many exercisers find it helpful to add variety to their routines, such as cycling, swimming or group fitness classes. Multimedia entertainment or training plans with clear goals and variety can also help maintain commitment.

Deciding between HIIT and cardio

When comparing HIIT and cardio, there is no definitive answer as to which method is the "best." Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and what works for one person may not work for another. There are several factors to consider, including individual schedule, fitness level, and personal preference.

1. Individual schedule, fitness level and personal preferences

When deciding between HIIT and cardio, you should consider your own schedule. HIIT training can be a great option for those who are short on time and are looking for a quick but intense workout. On the other hand, cardio may be a better choice for those who prefer to exercise at a more moderate pace or simply have more time to work out.

Current fitness level also plays a big role in choosing the workout. HIIT may be too intense for beginners or people with certain health conditions. In such cases, continuous moderate intensity cardio training may be more suitable.

Personal preferences should not be overlooked either. Some people enjoy the adrenaline and challenge of a HIIT workout, while others feel more relaxed with the slower pace of cardio training.

It is important to note that there is no need to choose one method exclusively. A combination of both can help keep training varied and improve different aspects of physical fitness. Some days could be reserved for HIIT, while other days are dedicated to cardio training.

Overall, the decision of whether to choose HIIT or cardio should be based on individual needs and preferences. It is always advisable to try different training methods and see what works best.

2. Influence of health status

The choice of the optimal training program should not only take into account your schedule, fitness level and preferences, but also your health condition.

  • Individual health condition : Chronic diseases, cardiovascular problems or joint problems can have a major impact on the choice. For example, HIIT may not be suitable for people with certain health restrictions, whereas moderate cardio training could prove to be more beneficial.

  • Consult a doctor or therapist : Before starting a new exercise program, it is advisable to seek professional advice, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or have not been physically active for a long time.

  • Adaptability of training : Moderate cardio training can often be more easily adapted to individual health requirements. In contrast, HIIT requires a high level of resilience of the cardiovascular system and muscles.

While it is important to consider your individual schedule, fitness level and personal preferences, the influence of your health status on choosing the right training program should not be underestimated. It is important to always ensure that your well-being and safety are not compromised.


The choice between HIIT and cardio training depends on a variety of personal factors, including time availability, fitness goals, and individual health. Both forms of training offer unique benefits for physical performance and health.

  • HIIT training is time efficient, promotes the EPOC effect and improves cardiovascular health and endurance. However, it carries a higher risk of injury and requires longer recovery times.

  • Cardio training is suitable for all fitness levels, supports lung capacity and helps prevent heart disease. However, it can be perceived as time-consuming and has less afterburn effect.

Ultimately, individual preferences, schedule, and health conditions should be taken into account when making the decision. A combination of both types of training could be a balanced option to benefit from both the intensity of HIIT and the consistency of cardio training.

The most important thing is to find a way of training that is enjoyable and can be maintained over the long term, because only then will training become part of a healthy lifestyle.

frequently asked Questions

What are the benefits of HIIT training?

The benefits of HIIT training include time efficiency, the EPOC effect, improved cardiovascular health, and increased endurance.

What are the disadvantages of HIIT training?

The disadvantages of HIIT training include an increased risk of injury, longer recovery times, and the fact that it is not suitable for everyone.

What are the benefits of cardio training?

The benefits of cardio exercise include being suitable for all fitness levels, improving lung capacity and preventing heart disease.

What are the disadvantages of cardio training?

Disadvantages of cardio training are time intensity, a lower EPOC effect and potential monotony.

How to choose between HIIT and cardio?

The decision between HIIT and cardio should take into account the individual's schedule, fitness level, personal preferences and health status.

What is the conclusion on the advantages and disadvantages of HIIT and cardio training?

The bottom line is that both HIIT and cardio have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them should be made carefully considering various factors.


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