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Slim and happier?: Your happy path to your desired weight?


Hey, it's great that you're here! In our fast-paced everyday lives, we often forget how important it is to take care of ourselves and our health. Sport can be a real game-changer, especially if you carry an extra kilo or two with you. But hey, don't stress about the numbers on the scale. It's more about making you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Here it comes: I'll tell you a secret weapon that can change everything - fun! Yes, you heard that right. When you find joy in exercise, exercise no longer becomes a chore, but rather the highlight of your day. Find activities that put a smile on your face, whether it's dancing, walking in the park, or working out on the trampoline. With fun as your secret trick, you won't even notice how you'll easily get fitter and feel a little more at home in your body every day. Let's tackle this journey together with a good dose of joy!

Gymball instead of meatballs: This is how you get your workout going!

10 great tips to bring more joy into your life through sport

And before we get started, we'll give you 10 tips. With these tips, sport will become a permanent, joyful part of your life. So what are you waiting for? Grab your sneakers and let's get started!

  1. Find your passion:  There are so many sports - from dancing to hiking to water aerobics. Try different things until you find what you really enjoy.

  2. Make it fun, not mandatory:  Don't see sport as a must, but as a great way to have a good time. With the right attitude, every movement becomes more fun.

  3. Buddy system:  Everything is more fun with friends. Make an exercise date with someone who motivates you and who you enjoy spending time with.

  4. Music is the key:  A playlist with your favourite songs can turn any exercise session into a party.

  5. Goals that inspire:  Set goals that really motivate you. Instead of “lose 5kg” maybe “do the 5km parkrun”. This way you always have something to work towards.

  6. Outdoor Adventure:  Use nature as your playground. Fresh air and sunshine automatically boost your mood.

  7. Make it colourful:  Invest in a few sports outfits that you really like. When you feel good, it motivates you even more.

  8. Celebrate progress:  Every small success is worth celebrating. This keeps motivation high and makes you proud.

  9. Be creative:  Who says sport always has to look the same? Try hula-hooping, stand-up paddling or kayaking for a fun change.

  10. Time for you:  See sport as “me-time”. A time in which you can switch off, forget the stress of everyday life and simply have fun.

The first step: find motivation and goals

Okay, let's get started! Before you jump into your sports shoes, think about what you actually want to achieve. Do you want to feel fitter, lose a bit of weight, or simply have more energy in everyday life? If you know what you want, the first step has already been taken.

Sports that are fun and good for you

Swimming: The gentle all-rounder

Swimming is great for anyone who wants to exercise gently. You feel lighter in the water and your joints are protected. It’s also great for your heart and circulation.

Your 4-week training plan as an example.










To swim


Ride a bike






To swim


Ride a bike






To swim


Ride a bike






To swim

Tips for your training plan:

  • Vary your activities:  This way it stays exciting, and your body is challenged holistically.

  • Set realistic goals:  Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your sessions.

  • Listen to your body:  Breaks are just as important as the training itself. If you have pain or don't feel well, give yourself a break.

  • Do it together:  Sport with friends or in a group is more fun and motivating.

  • Hang in there:  You may not see or feel changes right away, but don't give up! Regularity is key.

Remember, every day is a new chance to do something good for yourself. Go for it and have fun!

Cycling: Get on your bike

Cycling is not only environmentally friendly, but also extremely effective. Whether outside in nature or indoors on the ergometer - you build up your fitness and strengthen your legs.

Walking: The entry point for everyone

Walking is super easy and super effective. Grab a pair of comfortable shoes and let's go! It's less strenuous than jogging, but really gets your circulation going.

Kinekt: Everybody's Darling

Kinekt is not just sport, but a real experience! It combines movement with rhythm and lets you connect with your body in a completely new way. No matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, Kinekt is there for everyone and is simply fun. Try it and feel the difference!

Your individual training plan

A training plan that suits you is worth its weight in gold. Start slowly and increase step by step. And most importantly: have fun! If you're having fun, you'll stick with it.

Nutrition and exercise: The dream team

Your diet plays a huge role in your journey. A balanced diet that fits your exercise program gives you the energy you need. And don't forget: drink enough water!


Sport is really for everyone, regardless of whether you see yourself as a sports fan or if you're part of the "couch potato" team. The secret is to find the type of exercise that is not only good for you, but that you actually enjoy. Maybe it's the rhythmic immersion in the cool water while swimming, the liberating feeling on a bike with the wind in your face, or the inner peace and strength you find in yoga. There are so many ways to exercise and each one has its own wonderful benefits.

It's not about running a marathon or lifting the heaviest weights right away. Start small. A walk in the park, a little dancing in the living room or even gardening - it all counts. And you know what? It won't take long before you notice how these small activities start to make big changes in your well-being. You'll sleep better, have more energy, and even your mood will improve.

The right attitude is your superpower here. Don't see sport as a duty or a means to an end, but as an enrichment to your life. And yes, there will be days when you just don't feel like it - and that's completely okay. The important thing is that you stick with it and be gentle with yourself. Every small step is a step in the right direction.

So what's still holding you back? Discover, experiment and find your passion. A whole world of exercise, fun and well-being awaits you. Go for it and be inspired by your own progress!

We're really excited about the idea of chatting with you soon and putting together a plan that fits your personal ideas like a glove. Because that's exactly what it's all about: Your fitness path should be as unique as you are. We want to discover what makes your heart beat faster and incorporate exactly that into your routine. It is important to us to support you on your journey, to motivate you, and to ensure that you have a lot of fun along the way. So, let's walk this path together. Go for it and take the first step – we can’t wait to get to know you and get started together!


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