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The magical world of our muscles: energy, protection and regeneration

Our bodies are truly a miracle! We use over 600 skeletal muscles to control our movements, maintain our posture and coordinate all sorts of bodily functions. But did you know how these muscles get their power? Through cellular respiration that occurs in the tiny mitochondria, they convert glucose from food or stored energy into ATP - that small but powerful energy source that helps muscles contract and keeps us moving. Simply fantastic, right?

Muscles are little power plants in your body. But they're not just there for your movements; They also help control the chemical processes of hormones in your body. Think of hormones like little messengers – they are made by glands and influence different organs and tissues to control different body functions. And you know what? Your muscles are involved too! When you train or are active, they can regulate certain messenger substances:

Muscle strength in the water: A swimmer shows how it swims uhm works :)

Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. When it works properly, it helps ensure your body has enough energy. Problems with insulin can lead to diabetes.

Growth hormone is important for the growth and repair of cells. It also affects muscle strength and bone health.

Testosterone has wide-ranging effects on health, including muscle growth, bone health and energy levels.

Adrenaline is often referred to as the “fight-or-flight” hormone and helps release energy. However, too much adrenaline can lead to anxiety and stress.

Cortisol, often known as the stress hormone, when released in excess can lead to problems such as weight gain, sleep disorders and weakened immune systems.

That's great, isn't it? Muscle metabolism also protects us from nasty viruses and bacteria by helping the immune system regulate! Did you know that our muscles release various messenger substances called myokines during training or exercise? These little miracle weapons influence our immune system directly or indirectly. Myokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and irisin play an important role by controlling the activity of our immune cells. They support macrophages, which help recognize and destroy pathogens. In addition, they boost the T cells that fight infections. So, a healthy muscle metabolism, which is promoted by regular physical activity, makes our immune system really strong and helps us successfully fight off infections!

Your muscles are the true guardians of your health! A strong and healthy muscle plays an essential role in regulating your hormones, which has a direct impact on your well-being. Regular exercise is the key to a balanced hormonal balance and a healthier life. A powerful muscle metabolism, promoted by regular physical activity, is not only a protective shield for your immune system, but also your best defence against disease. Your muscles are more than just powerhouses - they are your protective companions on the way to a strong and healthy body!

Even after your training, your muscles do great things for you! They are like hard workers who take care of repair and regeneration. Did you know that they help replenish energy reserves and even repair tiny tears that occur during exercise? This after burn effect, which literally makes your pounds fall off while you sleep, is fantastic! Your muscles stay active, expending energy and preparing for upcoming activities. It's really fascinating to see how your muscles continue to train even after you've already finished training.

If you're interested in improving your health and strengthening your muscles, experts recommend doing strength training about two to three times a week. It is important to train different muscle groups such as the upper body, lower body and core muscles. You can use dumbbell exercises, bodyweight exercises, or other forms of resistance training. It is advisable to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to avoid injury. If you are unsure, it may be helpful to seek advice from a trainer or professional to develop a tailored training program to suit your individual needs. On our site, you will find the various Kinekt programs that will safely lead you to a fitter and healthier you.

And by the way, running, jogging or hiking are great cardio exercises, but they don't count as strength training. So if you want to build muscle mass, specific strength exercises are crucial!


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