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Widow's Hump - it's not too late!

What is a widow's hump?

A "widow's hump" or hyperkyphosis affects the upper back and causes a noticeable curve that looks like a small hump. This can sometimes be a bit embarrassing or uncomfortable as it pulls your shoulders forward and may make you feel self-conscious. It can also seem like you're older than you really are, and that can be annoying. There are two types of it: structural and functional widow's hump.

Widow's Hump
Anatomical study of kyphotic deformity: The widow's hump

The structural shape is caused by long-term problems in the spine, such as vertebral abnormalities or fractures, and remains visible in any position. The functional form is more flexible and can be improved through better posture, special exercises and changes in your everyday life.

In the functional form the muscles become unbalanced due to poor posture, which results in the so-called "Upper Crossed Syndrome" can develop, which describes an imbalance between certain muscle groups in your upper body. Some muscles are excessively tense and shortened, while others are weakened. The imbalance usually affects the muscles in the neck, upper back and chest region. These muscle imbalances can lead to posture problems and an increased risk of a hunched back, also known as widow's hump:

  1. Weakened muscles: This usually affects the neck and shoulder muscles, including the trapezius muscle between the shoulder blades and the muscles in the front of the shoulder area.

  2. Tight muscles: The muscles in the upper back and chest area are often affected here, such as the upper part of the trapezius muscle, the chest muscles and the anterior shoulder muscle (pectoralis major ).

How can I tell if I have a widow's hump?

  • Visible curvature: A noticeable rounded or hunched upper back.

  • Back pain: Discomfort or pain in the upper back.

  • Neck pain: Discomfort or pain in the neck area.

  • Limited mobility: Difficulty moving the neck, upper back, or shoulders.

  • Stiffness: A feeling of rigidity or immobility in the upper back.

  • Posture changes: Protruding shoulders or neck leading to a forward head posture.

  • Decreased height: Loss of height due to spinal curvature.

  • Difficulty breathing: In severe cases, this can affect lung expansion and breathing.

  • Numbness or tingling: Occasional sensations in the arms or hands due to nerve compression.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, it may also be that your necklace no longer sits nicely on your neck because of the small hump. If you want to know more about it, here's a little test:

Lie flat on the floor and stretch your legs out. Position yourself with your back as close to the floor as possible. Try to keep the back of your head and shoulders flat on the floor. If you notice that your head or shoulders can't touch the floor, it could be a sign of a curve in your upper back.

What can I do about a widow's hump?

  • Posture improvement: Maintain an upright posture by regularly pulling your shoulders back and keeping your head straight. Try to keep your spine straight when sitting and standing.

  • Exercises: Do targeted back muscle strengthening exercises that strengthen the upper back and improve posture. These include chest stretches, scapula exercises and back extensions.

  • Exercise and activity: Avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time and take regular breaks to move. Active movements and targeted exercises help to strengthen the back muscles.

  • Ergonomics: Design your workplace or environment so that it is back-friendly. Make sure your chair and desk are ergonomic and support good posture.

  • Healthy lifestyle: A balanced diet and regular exercise can help support bone health and control body weight.

So it's not too late yet?

Not yet! However, over time, a functional widow's hump can turn into a solid hump that no longer goes back. This happens when the muscles in the neck area lose strength due to inactivity and fat builds up while the fascia sticks together. But no worry! If you pay attention in time to improve your posture and specifically strengthen and stretch your muscles, it is still possible to counteract this! The Kinekt-Beauty Aestetic widow's hump program is specifically designed to protect you from annoying widow's hump or to correct existing problems. Register now and say goodbye to your hump and pain!


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