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Common misconceptions about health and how to avoid them

Hey, are you also confused by all the health tips that fly around your ears every day? Let's uncover the top 10 health myths together and see what's really true!

Feast like a gourmet without breaking the scales!

Myths and facts about health

Myth 1: “Drink as much water as possible!” Stop! Your body needs balance. Too much water can be just as bad as too little.

Fact 1: “Listen to your thirst!” This is your best indicator. If you're thirsty, drink. If not, leave the water in the bottle. Hunger often means thirst.

Myth 2: “Vitamin pills are awesome!” Not really. Your body is happier with an apple or a carrot than with pills.

Fact 2: “Eat colorful and fresh!” This is how you get your vitamins in the tastiest way.

Myth 3: “No sweat, no gain!” Health is not just at the gym at home.

Fact 3: “Every movement counts!” Dancing in the living room or going for a walk – anything is better than being a couch potato.

Myth 4: “Fat is the enemy!” False alarm! Your body needs fats - the right ones, like in avocados or nuts.

Fact 4: “Choose your fats wisely!” Good fats support your body, bad fats put a strain on it.

Myth 5: “Protein power!” Just don’t overdo it, otherwise your kidneys will have to work harder than necessary.

Fact 5: "Everything in quantities! Protein is important, but in the right proportion.

Myth 6: “Gluten is bad!” Not for everyone. You only have to avoid it if you really have an intolerance.

Fact 6: "Gluten-free only if necessary! If you don't mind gluten, enjoy it.

Myth 7: “Organic is always better!”Organic is great, but not everything that is organic is automatically healthy.

Fact 7: "Choose healthy organic!" Also pay attention to sugar and fat in organic products.

Myth 8: “Sugar is the work of the devil!” Enjoyed in large quantities and can also be snacked on.

Fact 8: "Don't overdo it! A little bit of sweet is ok, but not too much.

Myth 9: "Don't eat anything after 6 p.m.! It doesn't matter when you eat, but how much.

Fact 9: "Watch your calories! Total energy intake throughout the day is important, not the time.

Myth 10: “Detox is a must!” Your body is an ingenious machine that detoxifies itself.

Fact 10: “Eat and drink healthy!” This is the best detox treatment you can give yourself.


So, do you now feel like detectives who just solved a case of health myths? The bottom line is that not everything we hear and read is good for us. Your body is the best advisor. He signals to you what he needs and what he doesn't. The wisdom lies in interpreting these signs without falling into the trap of fad diets and health trends.

Nutrition and fitness are not one-size-fits-all. They are as individual as your favourite song on Spotify. Take the time to find out what works for you, and don't let every new trend throw you off track.

Finally: Trust in the tried and tested – fresh air, a balanced diet, enough sleep and a laugh every day. Because, as the saying goes: laughter is the best medicine - and that also applies to your health!

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